Sunday, August 21, 2011

NG‘s 两公婆 Birthday Dining

生日主角—Yuen Wei and Pay Zhi ^^
Participants : Mun Ping , Heaw Eng , Yin Zee , Lee Peng , Poh Yee , Pik Yen , Lei Kun , Jian Zhang , Joe Key , Jennifer , Ruth , Wai Mun , Choon Kit , Kum Wah , Derek

--- 这是一场 粉红 的生日聚会 ---

--- Lei Kun 在装饰蛋糕中 ---

--- 从车窗看出去的天空 ---

--- Derek's car ---

--- 傍晚的天空 ---

--- reach Seri Kembangan ---

--- Restaurant Steamboat Hoi Tong ---

--- Combination of grill and steamboat ---

--- ice-cream like butter ---

--- plenty ingredient from steamboat and grilling ---

--- variety type of meats ---

--- fishball , toufu , mushroom , eggs and many more…… ---

--- butterSssssssss ---

--- shells and seaweed ---

--- side view from ingredient bar ---

--- 1st round with half plate full marinated squid ---

--- 2nd round i took mussels , chicken wings and lamb ---

---Wai Mun and Ruth ---

--- soup and tomyam flavour ---

--- grill.i.n.g sotong ----

--- 另一桌的 Choon Kit , Kum Wah and Derek ---

--- 刚开始吃的时候,仍是很干净的铁盘 ---

--- Lei Kun , Pik Yen , Poh Yee and Yin Zee ---

--- 我的最爱,sotong ---

--- 好肥好肥的羊肉 ---

--- mussels ---

--- clams and satong ---

---- busy eating  ---
(pinky gang)

--- 注意Derek 的表情 ---

---不知道他俩在讲什么笑话 ---

--- choon kit 已经剥好壳了的虾子,Derek 拿来给我们吃 ---

--- Pay Zhi 在角色扮演发骚中 --- 哈哈!!

--- S2 的女生们 ---

--- Jennifer 和她烤的鸡腿 ---

--- Lei Kun : 番茄好也 ?? ---

---Pay Zhi , 吃太饱了吗?? ---

--- Pudu's S.H.E ---

--- 一团乱 ---

--- Jian Zhang ---

--- 忙着吃东西的人们 ---

--- 一大块的羊肉 ---

--- choon kit 在大喊:不要一直偷拍我!! ---

--- 我们隔壁那座(Heaw Eng , Yuan Wei , Mun Ping , Yin Zee , Joe Key)他们真的没有吃停过 ---

--- 餐后水果,西瓜和蜜瓜 ---

--- 烧烤后变得黑麻麻的铁锅 ---

--- Kum Wah , Joe Key , Derek , Yin Zee , Ruth ---
Jian Zhang 在后面 饮胜 ~

---满满的啦啦和伊面 ---

--- 隔壁桌的来偷面 ---

--- 超大的蛤蜊---

--- 我去舀回来两碗满满的雪糕 ---
两碗6 个人share…只因等冰淇淋的队伍实在太长了~

--- 草莓口味,雪糕正迅速融化中,周遭实在是太热了啦 ---

--- 搞笑中 ---

--- 其实在做一些蛮白痴的事 ---

--- 接近 11 点多的时候 ---

though i know is time to study,but my body need to be relax
following few month might be tough in entire form 6 life
beware and good luck ^^

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