Tuesday, January 26, 2016

慢游日惹Yogyakarta---Day3 Kalibiru Wisata Alam

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for bothering
    Warmest greeting from me Jati,
    Yogyakarta local tourist guide 😊🙏

    Here is Yogyakarta 4D3N All In sample

    Day 1
    ✔ Pine forest
    ✔ Hobbit house
    ✔ Mangunan
    ✔ Sandboarding parangkusumo
    ✔ Sunset parangtritis

    Day 2
    ✔ Merapi sunrise using jeep
    ✔ Borobudur temple
    ✔ Kalibiru national park
    ✔ Kotagede silver & chocolate
    ✔ Alun2 kidul

    Day 3
    ✔ Cave tubing pindul (tools included)
    ✔ Timang beach (jeep included)
    ✔ Pinus pengger at night

    Day 4
    ✔ Drop off airport or free program

    *** if stil have time, free to go other places which is not stated in itinerary 😊😊***

    ☆ All in package (just need to book flight & bring money to shopping), include:
    👉 transport full 4 days
    👉 hotel 3 stars (+breakfast)
    👉 all entrance fees (borobudur USD $20 included)
    👉 jeep timang & merapi
    *** RM 572 pax ***

    ☆ exclude hotel package (no need deposit), include
    👉 transport full 4 days
    👉 all entrance fees (borobudur USD $20 included)
    👉 jeep timang & merapi
    *** RM 419 / pax ***

    ☆ transport + hotel, include
    👉 transport full 4 days
    👉 hotel 3 stars (+breakfast)
    *** RM 290 / pax ***

    ☆ transport only (full 4 days) start RM 114 / pax (max 5 or 6 pax)

    👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼 price will be more cheaper if bring more members

    👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼 Custom package is okay, whatsapp me then i will arrange the itinerary 😉

    Any question please whatsapp +628985101301 or click www.bit.ly/cutijogja.

    For reference please check my
    Instagram @pelanconganjogja or
    Facebook www.facebook.com/reviosta

    We serve with heart 😊🙏
